Kortil uživo / Kortil Live
Program Kortil uživo provodi se u kvartu koji obuhvaća zonu oko Rječine te dio Sušaka u okruženju Hrvatskog kulturnog doma, a svojim tematskim cjelinama polazi od bogate i slojevite povijesno-kulturno-političke simbolike ove urbane zone kao i osobnih iskustava i sjećanja njezinih građana.
U sklopu projekta se od 2014. godine provodi niz aktivnosti kao što su radionice, kustoski i umjetnički projekti, akcije i intervencije u javnom prostoru, izložbe, sajmovi, predavanja, street art i ulični festivali.
Kroz aktivnosti Kortila uživo promovira se volonterstvo, a posebno se vrednuje i naglašava doprinos kojeg volonteri na razne načine pružaju zajednici.
Kortil uživo okuplja udruge i organizacije iz različitih sektora – kulture, obrazovanja, znanosti, sporta i ekologije s osnovnim ciljem provedbe aktivnosti u suradnji sa zajednicom, odnosno s različitim ciljanim skupinama poput stanara iz kvarta, obrazovnih i odgojnih institucija, neformalnih skupina mladih, udruga umirovljenika, osoba s invaliditetom ili nadarenih učenika.
Projekt je zamišljen kao kontinuirani proces koji kreće s radioničkim mapiranjem urbane zone Sušaka, istraživanjem navika i potreba građana te njihove percepcije kulture. Zamisao je stvaranje osviještenog odnosa prema javnom prostoru preko kreativnih intervencija u njemu te doprinos harmonizaciji i razvijanju suradničkih odnosa u zajednici. Umjetničke akcije i autorski angažman dio su aktivnosti kojima se otkrivaju novi modeli suradnje i kanali komunikacije sa zajednicom, uz uvažavanje njezinih potreba, želja i očekivanja. Projekt nudi mogućnost jače identifikacije građana s javnim prostorom i javnim djelovanjem općenito, jačanje prepoznatljivosti mikrourbanog identiteta te mogućnost da i kultura postane vidljiviji i prisutniji segment svakodnevnog života.
The programme Kortil live is implemented in the city district that includes the zone around the Rječina River and a part of Sušak district in the surroundings of the Croatian Cultural Centre. With its thematic units, it starts from the rich and layered historical-cultural-political symbolism of this urban zone as well as personal experiences and memories of its citizens.
Since 2014, within this project a number of activities have been carried out such as workshops, curatorial and artistic projects, actions and interventions in public space, exhibitions, fairs, lectures, street art and street festivals.
Through the activities of the Kortil live programme, volunteering is promoted, and the contribution that volunteers make to the community in various ways is particularly evaluated and emphasized.
Kortil live brings together associations, organizations and individuals from different sectors – culture, education, science, sports and ecology with the basic aim of carrying out activities in cooperation with the community, i.e. with various target groups such as residents from the neighbourhood, educational institutions, informal youth groups, associations of pensioners, people with disabilities or gifted pupils and students.
The project is conceived as a continuous process that starts with workshop mapping of the urban zone of Sušak, exploring the habits and needs of citizens and their perception of culture. The idea is to create a conscious attitude towards public space through creative interventions in it and to contribute to harmonizing and developing collaborative relationships in the community. Artistic actions and authorial engagement are part of activities that reveal new models of cooperation and channels of communication with the community, taking into account its needs, desires and expectations. The project offers the possibility of stronger identification of citizens with public space and public action in general, strengthening the recognition of micro urban identity and the possibility of making culture a more visible and present segment of everyday life.
Kako čitati kvart / How to Read the Neighbourhood (2020)

Znate li što znači riječ KORTIL? / Do you know what the word KORTIL means?

Znate li kuda je prolazila granica? / Do you know where the border passed thru?

Po kome je to ulica dobila ime? / After whom was this street named?

A gdje je Vodovodna? / Where is the Vodovodna Street?

Prvi parni stroj na Balkanu? / The first steam engine in the Balkans?

Guc, gajeta, pasara… i kako ih razlikovati / Guc, gajeta, pasara… Moreover, how to distinguish them?