Po kome je to ulica dobila ime? / After whom was this street named?
Po kome je to ulica dobila ime? / After whom was this street named?

Sa sušačke, odnosno lijeve obale Rječine potražite li natpis imena ulice vidjet ćete da se nalazite u ulici Gjure (Đure) Ružića. Dotični je bio primorski Selfmademan, kožarski obrtnik, veleposjednik, tvorničar i kućevlasnik, kulturni djelatnik i politički radnik, gradonačelnik i istaknuti hrvatski rodoljub, rođen u hreljinskom Ružić-selu. Ukratko čovjek koji je zadužio i oblikovao svoj kraj, čiji je utjecaj sezao i dalje, industrijalac po kojem je primjereno nazvana jedna od dviju ulica nekadašnje gradske industrijske zone.

Vodimo vas u obilazak Ružićeve ulice, uz Rječinu uzvodno, u zonu nekadašnjih industrijskih pogona za proizvodnju leda, sapuna, obuće, kože, ljuštionice riže, čak i mlinova…

If you look from the Sušak or the left bank of Rječina River, and you look for the street name plate, you will find out you are located on Gjure (Đure) Ružića Street. The person in question was a self-made man living on the coast, a leather craftsman, landowner, manufacturer and house owner, cultural worker and political activist, mayor and prominent Croatian patriot, born in the Ružić-Village near Hreljin. In short, the man of great influence who indebted the society with his actions and shaped his region, an industrialist after whom one of the two streets of the city’s former industrial zone was appropriately named.

We take you on a tour of the Ružićeva Street, upstream the Rječina River, into the zone of former industrial plants for the production of ice, soap, footwear, leather, rice peeling plant, even mills…

Tekst i naracija: Marko Smoljan
Snimanje i montaža: Ivan Vranjić
Arhivski materijali: Muzej grada Rijeke, Centar za industrijsku baštinu Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Text by: Marko Smoljan
Translation by: Tajana Mavrinac
Narration by: Alice Renieri and Paola Kirigin (TRY Theatre)
Mentors: Enea Dessardo and Lucia Filičić (TRY Theatre)
Recording and editing by: Ivan Vranjić
Archival materials: Rijeka City Museum, Centre for Industrial Heritage of the University of Rijeka


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