Guc, gajeta, pasara… i kako ih razlikovati / Guc, gajeta, pasara… Moreover, how to distinguish them?
Guc, gajeta, pasara… i kako ih razlikovati / Guc, gajeta, pasara… Moreover, how to distinguish them?

Vi, koji ste zaljubljenici u drvene barke i tradicijsku brodogradnju, kao i vi koji ćete to tek postati, na ovom mjestu možete provjeriti svoje znanje ili naučiti još ponešto o barkama i brodicama Kvarnera i istočne obale Jadrana. Niz barki vezanih i danas duž Mrtvog kanala govori o toj tradiciji i ljudima koji ovdje žive. Drvene barke se još uvijek popravljaju na Delti. To je pomorska tradicija iz prve ruke.

Želite li nešto više znati o vrstama tih brodica ili onima kojih više nema, na pravom ste mjestu. Na ovu ćemo plovidbu partit pod vodstvom kapetana Luciana Kebera, vrsnog istraživača naše maritimne baštine, nautičara i maketara.

You, who are lovers of wooden boats and traditional shipbuilding, as well as those of you who are yet to become one, can check your knowledge in this place or learn a little more about the boats of Kvarner and the eastern Adriatic coast. A series of boats tied up today along the Mrtvi kanal – the Dead Canal tells of this tradition and the people who live here. Wooden boats are still being repaired on the Delta. It is a maritime tradition first-hand.

If you want to know more about the types of these boats or those that are no longer here, you are in the right place. We will start this voyage under the guidance of Captain Luciano Keber, an excellent explorer of our maritime heritage, nautical expert and model constructor.

Tekst i materijali: Luciano Keber
Naracija: Marko Smoljan
Snimanje i montaža: Ivan Vranjić

Text and materials by: Luciano Keber
Translation by: Tajana Mavrinac
Narration by: Alice Renieri and Paola Kirigin (TRY Theatre)
Mentors: Enea Dessardo and Lucia Filičić (TRY Theatre)
Recording and editing by: Ivan Vranjić


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