Prvi parni stroj na Balkanu? / The first steam engine in the Balkans?
Prvi parni stroj na Balkanu? / The first steam engine in the Balkans?

Da, da, upravo tu, u Rijeci, i to u Tvornici papira. Što je u njoj bilo tako  inovativno? Zašto je Adamić na samom početku kupio stari mlin uz Rječinu? Kako se uopće tada proizvodio papir? Od čega i gdje se sve izvozio?…

Na ova i mnoga druga pitanja zanimljive odgovore poslušajte u vodstvu i priči koja slijedi.

Yes, yes, right here in Rijeka, at this Paper Mill. What was so innovative about it? Why did Adamić at the very beginning buy an old mill on the Rječina? How was paper produced in those times? What was the paper produced of and where was it exported? …

Listen to interesting answers to these and many other questions in the guidance and the story that follows.

Tekst i naracija: Marko Smoljan
Snimanje i montaža: Ivan Vranjić
Arhivski materijali: Muzej grada Rijeke, Centar za industrijsku baštinu Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Novi list

Text by: Marko Smoljan
Translation by: Tajana Mavrinac
Narration by: Alice Renieri and Paola Kirigin (TRY Theatre)
Mentors: Enea Dessardo and Lucia Filičić (TRY Theatre)
Recording and editing by: Ivan Vranjić
Archival materials: Rijeka City Museum, Centre for Industrial Heritage of the University of Rijeka


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